Life Lessons from the Playground - Drink Lots of Water

Life Lessons from the Playground - Drink Lots of Water


Drink lots of water I learned this from a continuing ed class – kids get to playing, enjoying themselves, forget to drink, and it causes chemical imbalances in the body, all the way to the brain level. They act out not (only) because they’re little terrors, but something is going on. When an incident happens or is starting to escalate, the first thing we did was make them drink water. Oh my word, the difference in behavior when they were re-hydrated was amazing! People, the human body is more than 50% water. When things are going downhill, re-hydrate.

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Personalities in the Workplace - Managing with Mind and Heart Podcast

Personalities in the Workplace - Managing with Mind and Heart Podcast


I recently was a guest on a podcast series with Ethan Nash of Nash Consulting, a business and management consulting group in consulting who do awesome work in equipping leaders, engaging employees, and improving organizations (you can see why I connect with them, right?). We had a blast talking about Personalities in the Workplace – so much so, we’ll be doing a part 2 in the new year – but buckle in as we talk about everything from archery to diversifying your team!

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Life Lessons from the Playground - Look Forward When You're Walking Forward

Life Lessons from the Playground - Look Forward When You're Walking Forward


Look forward if you’re walking forward I always laughed at this one. We’d be walking down the hall and Isaac would inevitably have his head turned behind him with his body moving forward and bump into the other kids. Enter the domino effect. I talked to Mia’s mom about this tendency, and she said she has a freezer full of ice packs. Life is full of distractions, and we may want to dwell on some sad, or even happy, event in the past. But if you have a goal and want to move forward, then that’s where your eyes should go.

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Snippets on Innovation - 4 feet 8.5 inches

Snippets on Innovation - 4 feet 8.5 inches


Quite a while ago, I did a presentation at a fantastic networking group on Innovation, Creativity, and Facing Fears. The hosts distilled some of the talking points in a video that, when I watched it, I was surprised at how much it helped me!

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Life Lessons from the Playground - Sharing

Life Lessons from the Playground - Sharing


A while back, I wrote a post about lessons I learned while I was a learning development teacher, and how some of these lesson are quite applicable in our current day to day and business lives. As I shared and got feedback, I found that there was more to the story, and many more people who could add to it. For this series, I am going to expound, in collaboration with several others, on those lessons we may or may not have learned in our early years, and how we can use them to help us play better in our current sandbox!

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How Far Can You Go?

How Far Can You Go?


What do you limit yourself to when you do things the way you’ve always done them?

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I heard a message the other day that underlined the need to move beyond the realm of reason and operate in faith. This is the point that hit hard for me: Just because things are the way they are does not mean that they are the way they should be.

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