Equipped to help solve HR challenges and meeting business goals such as time to hire, new hire orientation, employee handbooks, management training, and overall HR strategy. We have a Business-Orientated and People-First strategy focus in order to prioritize your people so you can prioritize your profits.
Strategic Business Planning
Organizational Design
Leadership Training and Development
Policies and Procedures
Employee Handbook
Recruiting and Hiring Standards
New Employee Onboarding and Offboarding
Performance Management
Employee Conflict and Relations
Benefits Administration
In order to deliver outstanding service that address the pain points and obstacles facing your organization, Ezer Unfolding follows a process that begins with a Roadmap – a strategic, living document that aligns, prioritizes, and communicates the teams work and the problems it needs to solve. This helps us to make realistic promises, value functionality, and establish strategic plans that can be expanded upon for further projects end future growth.
Successful road mapping, or strategy planning, for each project includes these 6 key high-level steps: