
  • Building Boundaries

    Building Boundaries

    “Boundaries” have become a buzzword these days, but I believe it’s because many of us have problems establishing and keeping them, which continues to cause problems in our personal and professional life. I usually comment on a single quote, but this time I’ll be pulling from several that flow with my thought process on the…

  • Stop Comparing Trauma

    Stop Comparing Trauma

    This statement caught my attention and expressed my thoughts very succinctly: Someone who drowns in 7 feet of water is just as dead as someone who drowns in 20 feet of water. Stop comparing traumas, stop belittling your or anyone else’s trauma because it wasn’t “as bad” as someone else’s. This isn’t a competition, we…

  • When Life Catches On Fire

    When Life Catches On Fire

    In the past several months, I’ve been in recovery, having had everything in my life metaphorically on fire. In these difficult times, I had been speaking with my counselor, when she told me, “Sometimes, you don’t know anything is wrong until everything is on fire.”– Heather Brummer This statement hit me hard as I recalled the…

  • Life Lessons from the Playground – Drink Lots of Water

    Life Lessons from the Playground – Drink Lots of Water

    Another Life Lesson coming your way: Drink lots of water I learned this from a continuing ed class – kids get to playing, enjoying themselves, forget to drink, and it causes chemical imbalances in the body, all the way to the brain level. They act out not (only) because they’re little terrors, but something is…

  • Personalities in the Workplace – Managing With Mind and Heart Podcast – Nash Consulting

    Personalities in the Workplace – Managing With Mind and Heart Podcast – Nash Consulting

    I recently was a guest on a podcast series with Ethan Nash of Nash Consulting, a business and management consulting group in consulting who do awesome work in equipping leaders, engaging employees, and improving organizations (you can see why I connect with them, right?). We had a blast talking about Personalities in the Workplace –…